Student Solution


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Final Exam_World History 1500 to Present

Final Exam_World History 1500 to Present

Q Unit 1 2. Why was the Columbian Exchange so transformative? Use three of the following regions to demonstrate the transformations brought on by the Exchange: the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Be specific. 2. What were the most significant economic, social, political, and demographic effects of the industrial revolution on the world? This response must acknowledge that these effects played out globally and not just in Europe.2. Compare and contrast the responses of Japan, Persia, and the Ottoman Empire to the reality of Western power in the 19th century.2. Compare and contrast the responses of Japan, Persia, and the Ottoman Empire to the reality of Western power in the 19th century.

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The Columbian Exchange was a transformative phenomenon not only for America but the entire world. The Columbian Exchange is the exchange of the life forms—including plants, animals, microbes, and human beings—between Americas and the rest of the world (Week 4 PowerPoint). It was actually an ecological exchange with human and environmental consequences (Findlen, Week 4, Globalyceum). It was not an equal exchange. This has shaped the world to a great extent because Europe became abundant with most tasteful plants and animals that helped the European trade to flourish and make profits as they could sell them in Africa and migrate it to Asia as well. Also, it helped the Native Americans to get acquainted to horses that helped them in fighting battles and hunting.